
Plainfield Township is committed to being transparent, educating taxpayers and serving the residents. Please do not hesitate to call the office at (815) 436-8308 with questions or for further information.


By law (60 ILCS 1/ Township Code), Illinois townships are charged with many basic functions. Some of these include; general assistance for the indigent; the assessment of real property for the basis of local taxation; senior citizen service; maintenance of all roads and bridges outside federal, state, and other local jurisdictions. The purpose of Plainfield Township is to perform the duties and exercise the powers granted in the Illinois Township Code, 60 ILCS 1/1 et seq. and the Illinois Public Aid Code, 305 ILCS 5/12-21 et seq. for the benefit of the residents of Plainfield Township.

Plainfield Township government as a whole is made up from three separate departments; Township (including the Cemetery), Assessor, and Highway. Organizational Chart Township Organizational Chart Assessor and Highway

Plainfield Township has three locations; the Administration Building located at 22525 W. Lockport Street, Plainfield Illinois, 60544 serve as the location for the Township Administration, Assessor and Highway Departments, the Plainfield Township Community Center located at 15014 S. Des Plaines Street, Plainfield, Illinois, 60544, and the Plainfield Township Cemetery at 15408 S Joliet Road, Plainfield, Illinois 60544.

Plainfield Township Employees – full, part time, and seasonal employees:

Township         4 Full Time      3 Part Time        0 Seasonal

Cemetery        1 Full Time      5 Part Time          0 Seasonal

Assessor          3 Full Time      1 Part Time         0  Seasonal

Highway          6 Full Time      3 Part Time         5 Seasonal

Elected Officials Salary and Benefits

Compensation Disclosure for IMRF Participants

Annual Audit Reports

Annual Budgets

Treasurer’s Reports

Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes click here

Monthly Expenditure Sheets click here

Assessor Property Search click here