Assessment Explanation 2024

Important Dates:

  • August 7, 2024- Notices mailed by the Will County Supervisor of Assessments
  • August 7, 2024 – Date of Notice
  • August 7, 2024 – Assessments published in Herald News (815.526.4439)
  • September 9, 2024 – Deadline to appeal

Notice of Revised Assessment:
This is notifying you of the new figures that will be used to calculate your tax bill in April 2025. Click here for more info.

Township multiplier: 
The Will County Supervisor of Assessments issued a 2024 multiplier of 1.1072 to residential properties in Plainfield Township. The multiplier issued by the county was based on the Department of Revenue’s Sales Ratio Study. The study compared three years of sales (2021, 2022, and 2023) to assessments, with the goal of bringing the assessment level to 33 1/3%.

How do I know if I’m being fairly assessed?
Compare your assessment to similar properties in your neighborhood. Homes that are similar in style, size, age, location, and amenities, should have like assessments. Additionally, research recent sales in your neighborhood. Typically, comparable homes sell for similar amounts. Your assessment should reflect the market of your neighborhood. The Assessor can provide you with sales in your area.

How do I appeal my assessment?
If you feel that you are over-assessed, you can use the Property Search on this website to view comparable homes in your area. If you have additional concerns, please call our office to discuss. Many issues can be resolved without filing a formal appeal. If we are unable to adjust your assessment, you may appeal to the Will County Board of Review. An attorney is NOT required for most residential homeowners (see Board of Review Rule #9). As a homeowner you have the right to represent yourself, free of charge. Appeal forms can be obtained online at As always, we are happy to assist homeowners with the process by phone or email.

Special Notice: If you have received a letter from a Real Estate Consultant or Tax Appeal Representative (in regards to appealing your assessment), please contact our office prior to spending money on those services. Many of those letters contain misleading or inaccurate information about your assessment and the appeal process. In most cases, a third party is not necessary to resolve an issue with your assessed value.